How to Safely Enjoy Your Fireplace

by Marina Sparages 07/10/2022

A functional fireplace is an extremely sought-after feature in any home. Regardless of the climate, a fireplace can provide a special coziness and warmth for everyone to enjoy. However, it's important to practice fireplace safety habits and keep up with maintenance. Here are some basic tips for safely enjoying your fireplace at home:

Minimize Soot Buildup

Chimney sweeping should be left to the professionals, but you can still minimize some soot buildup yourself. The easiest way to do so is to only burn seasoned hardwood or manufactured logs as they burn cleaner than other types of firewood. After each fire, clean out the firebox by scooping dry ashes and toss them in a metal container.

Burn the Right Fuel

It's important to burn only wood or manufactured logs in your fireplace. Other things like paper can be great kindling material to build a fire, but it can also fly up and out when burned in large amounts. Any paper with a glossy finish like photographs or magazine pages can release toxic fumes when they burn too. Stick to clean, simple fuel for the safest fire.

Open a Window

One often forgotten safety tip is to open a window when you light a fire. Not only will this help your fire burn efficiently, it will allow more oxygen into the room for easier breathing. A fire burns oxygen as well as wood, so the more you can add back into the environment, the safer it will be.

Keep the Area Clear

Be careful not to position furnishings or belongings too close to your fireplace. Even with a grate or glass door, fireplaces can put out tremendous heat, causing damage and possible fire risk. Embers can spark and fly out of your fireplace but won't cause any harm unless they fall onto something flammable. Keep area rugs, furniture and decor at a safe distance to have the safest possible fire.

About the Author

Marina Sparages

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